Offer Foiled
Prints. The demand for foiled printing has
been steadily growing and we've added several new
stock colors of
foil to our selection. We now offer 3 Metallic
Foils, Gold, Silver and Copper. As well
as standard foils like
Red, Pink, Purple, Green and Blue.
*Pearl Foil is
available but is
not a stock color.
We Offer Indexed
Printing. This
type of printing is also known as simulated
process printing. It's not exactly a
cheaper alternative to 4 color process but it is
a better alternative. The Quality of
Printing is much higher when it comes to
printing on tshirts
The Image on
this pink t-shirt is an example of a 2 color
indexed print, instead of using halftones.
final result was nothing less than flawless.
Now Offer
All Over Printing, Back Ground Graphics and Stains.
We get many visitors
asking us if we can custom print all over the
entire shirt from top to bottom, and the answer to
this question is... Yes, however there is
much to consider with this kind of advanced t-shirt
first is Screen Set Up Charges are not the same as
standard 'everyday' printing screens, they are much
larger and much more expensive . An example,
normal screen set ups cost between $15 and $25.00
each, an 'All-Over" printing screen starts at $185
per screen. This process is not for
minimum orders.
All Over T
Shirt Printing, As a rule of thumb we like
to see at least 288 pieces per design, however
we have been known to accept orders as low as
144 pieces for 1 color Back Ground Graphics. Another thing to
consider with All Over Printing is turn around
time. A typical all over print job takes
from start to finish 4-5 weeks depending on how
many print proofs are required and how many
image corrections are made. Rush
Service is not available with the process.
Proper planning is required.

Number Printing.

Custom Flock Designs & Applique